Saturday, February 18, 2012

FAST SIX (The Rock Updates)


Following the smashing success of the fifth entry in the Fast and Furious franchise, Universal quickly got to work plotting out a follow-up installment.

Lin committed to coming back to the series, and we soon learned that the producers were mulling over the idea of shooting both Fast Six and Fast Seven back-to-back. It appears that’s not the case anymore, as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently spoke a bit about the upcoming sequels.

Speaking with MTV, Johnson revealed that they’re set to begin filming Fast Six in May, but they’re no longer planning on shooting both sequels at the same time:

Vin Diesel & The Rock will Ne Kicking each Others Asses once Again (NOT SEEN HERE)
“I don’t think we’re going to shoot them back-to-back. We were going to try that because it wouldn’t make sense to have the same crew and have everybody there in one place, but I think we’re dealing with some weather issues, so from what I know we’re going to shoot Fast 6 first and then worry about Fast 7 a little later.”

Johnson went on to reveal that they’ll be shooting in the UK and Germany, but didn’t specify which sequel would be shooting where. Vin Diesel recently confirmed that Fast Six and Fast Seven are essentially one big story cut in half, as they started plotting out the script for Six and realized that the scope was so vast and the cast was so large that they needed two movies to service the story.

Well whatever the case maybe for not shooting these films back-to-back, even though it could cut down budget cost significantly, we will be there when both these films come to the big screen and the Fast and Furious Saga finally come to an end.


  1. Dear Movie Hype

    Do you know what the cast looks like for fast and furious six? will all the characters from the fifth movie be returning for this installment?

    1. We pretty sure all the cast members will be returning to the Sixth film, nothing is official as yet, so we still not sure who all will be returning and who will the new faces be in the sixth film...
