Chris Evans has said that the filming for the sequel to Captain
America will begin filming in March and now we know where.
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The sequel, titled Captain America: The Winter Soldier, is
set to be released on April 4, 2014 and will be going back to Cleveland, Ohio
where much of The Avengers was filmed.
Here's the press release from the Greater Cleveland Film
"The Greater Cleveland Film Commission today announced that
Marvel Studios will film portions of Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter
Soldier in Cleveland, Ohio. Set for release by The Walt Disney Studios in 2014,
the movie is a sequel to the 2011 hit Captain America: The First Avenger
starring Chris Evans. Marvel Studios will film stage work for the production in
the studio’s home state of California.
Filming for Captain America: The Winter Soldier is scheduled
to begin next year. This film project follows on the heels of Marvel Studio’s
2012 blockbuster Marvel’s The Avengers, which filmed i

“Marvel is pleased to return to Ohio, this time with our
Captain America: The Winter Soldier production. The location, talent and people
of Ohio are sure to benefit our film, and we look forward to beginning
production,” said Louis D’Esposito, Co-President, Marvel Studios.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier will pick up where
Marvel’s The Avengers leaves off, as Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role
in the modern world. The film will be directed by brothers Anthony and Joe
Russo, Cleveland natives whose credits include the movie Welcome to Collinwood,
the Fox TV series Arrested Development, and the NBC TV series Community.
The Greater Cleveland Film Commission was in talks with
Marvel Studios for weeks, sharing information about Ohio’s physical assets and
helping them learn about the benefits of filming in Ohio — including the
recently expanded Ohio Motion Picture Tax Incentive.
In June, the State of Ohio expanded the Ohio Motion Picture
Tax Incentive, a critical tool for strengthening Ohio’s growing film industry
and creating jobs for Ohioans. The tax incentive provides for a refundable
credit against the corporation franchise or income tax for motion pictures
produced in Ohio.
“We’re thrilled that Marvel Studios is bringing another
major motion picture project to Cleveland, and we’re committed to showing them
the very best our region has to offer,”
said Ivan Schwarz, executive director of the Greater Cleveland Film
Commission. “We proved with the filming of Marvel’s The Avengers that Cleveland
has the talent, architecture and amazing locations that will provide filmmakers
everything they need to ensure a successful filming experience, and the
economic impact of this new project can’t be denied. Filming will create a
number of jobs for Ohioans and will give our region another chance to
demonstrate how skilled, professional and dedicated our workforce truly is. We
especially appreciate Governor Kasich and the Ohio Film Office for their
support and timely approval of these exciting opportunities.”

The Greater Cleveland Film Commission is committed to
building a year-round, sustainable statewide film industry through job
creation, workforce development, and attracting media production.
Frank G. Jackson, Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, stated, “We are
thrilled to host Marvel and the filming of Captain America: The Winter Soldier
in 2013. We have worked diligently with the Greater Cleveland Film Commission
to make our city an attractive location for films of all sizes. Marvel’s return
to Cleveland shows we can provide a film-friendly atmosphere that will
ultimately lead to a permanent presence of the film industry in Northeast
About 1,143 full-time equivalent Ohio jobs and $35.5 million
in household income are estimated to have been credited to the 27 projects that
took advantage of the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit since its 2009 inception,
and the tax incentive returns $1.20 into the Ohio economy for every $1 invested
by the incentive, according to a Cleveland State University study released
earlier this year.
“We are thrilled that Cuyahoga County is being seen as a
destination for filmmakers,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald. “The
resources that we have to offer, including our skilled workforce, makes our
region a natural fit for the film industry. Projects like this means jobs and
economic development for Cuyahoga County.”"